Thursday, January 5, 2012

18 weeks! =)

Yesterday, little baby and I celebrated 18 weeks gestation. Pretty exciting stuff.

I haven't been blogging regularly so I really need to fix that.. although I think I say that *every* time I blog and I always forget.

We had an ultrasound (elective/fun -ie: gender determination) on 12/31/2011. Our little baby was ever so gracious in showing his/her beautiful face, and showing us lots of fingers and toes -- but would not cooperate with us in showing its gender! We have another rescheduled for tomorrow morning (1/6/2012) at 11AM, so hopefully, we will know tomorrow whether we will be bringing another little girl or a boy into our home.

We had a prenatal check up today with the head of our OB group (Dr. Guy) -- I've never met him before, so it was nice to finally put a face to the name. He is one of the "preferred" doctors in my circle of Mama friends, because he's natural friendly, supports VBAC and has a pretty darn low c-section rate when compared to other OB's in our area. I'm also told that he will do "back up" care for home births, although I'm not sure about that.

Our little baby was super cooperative for Dr. Guy today, and we were able to get a heart rate immediately - 158 bpm. I'm measuring right on track and still haven't really gained any weight. I don't go by their scales, I always go by my home scale - I weigh myself in the same amount of clothing at the same time every day.

They scheduled our 20 week Anatomy Scan for 1/20/2012 at 10:30am. I think Bill may actually be able to come to that one, because I think he gets home late the night before -- which is good :)

We have a name picked out for a little lady - Claire Elizabeth.
We are stuck on a name for a boy. We've tossed up several but none of them seem to really be "sticking" with either of us. Ian, Isaiah, Joseph, Nolan, David, Robert, etc. but none of them are really calling home to us. Maybe the baby won't have a name and we'll just call him "Hey You" until we're forced to make a decision before leaving the hospital.

On a side note, we bought James a toddler bed today from Once Upon A Child. It was $40 and I like it. It fits quite perfectly in our room, and I'm really hopeful that we'll be able to move from sleeping with Mommy & Daddy, to sleeping in Mom & Dad's room in his own bed with a pretty smooth transition. Eventually, I do want him to start sleeping in his own room.. it won't be good for us if he's waking up every time the baby cries this summer.